
  Idea on REST API I am going to focusing on the rest API within today’s blog. Rest API is also known as restful API among the programmers. Let's take those word separately to understand what is going here it is.   API API is  stand for an application programming interface. Usually the API is some kind of protocol some  set of rules  for building and integrating the apps. API decide how to connect the data provider and the data user  of Web Services. IT highlights that it the content that the producer and consumer must provide at that process within this communication. actually the API is some kind of mediator between the users and the resources on the web services while maintaining the security control and authentication by determining who get access to work properly. API can easily understand that  what the consumer needs it and easily take those details from the producer By its own ways.      REST REST stands for representational sta...
The Initial Touch on Database and Look on Documented Database  After selecting a suitable programming language and programming environment for your application, it is your time to decide some kind of suitable database for implementing the data of your application.  We can take the database as a structured system for collecting, retrieving and displaying information. It includes records for each entry, and fields within each record to define information which may be useful for automating and simplifying many business functions.  Many databases are based on SQL, or Structured Query Language, which is a programming language used to create relational databases. The size and complexity of the database program you choose depends on your present and future needs.   In here there are so many things to consider when you are choosing a suitable database for your application, there are so many relational and NoSQL databases available for your application, first of all you have...
Your very first touch on basics of Java Script    In here, I am going to focus on the main approaches of JavaScript programming language. I want you to specially remember this article is mainly based on code segments. I’m going to let you know about all the basic concepts about JavaScript by using comments on the necessary points of my code. Since, I have to share several number of codes regarding this to you I am using my GIT repository specially created for this task. (M ain content of my article will be written on the necessary pages of my GIT repository. ) I will supply you the access to my GIT repository with all the necessary examples and clarifications.  I think you will be able to easily Guide to the correct point  of my repository by following the instructions and the points  which I have included within this article. Please inform me if you have to face any  actress issue for my  GIT repository. ( * for some kind of issues T...
        The most important first approach when hands on object oriented software applications. When we are considering object oriented programming most commonly we are focusing on the common aspects of classes and the objects such as object,  Inheritance, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Polymorphism . But before we start implementing some applications by using some kind of object oriented programming language there are some important points rather than common object oriented concepts in order to make our creation more effective and professional. My topic today is mainly focusing on those important approaches to object oriented programming, and how we can use them for the betterment of our works.  While working with object oriented programming languages, we have to maintain several kinds of classes and their specific objects as an added benefit of object oriented concepts. We can specify them in several ways like packa...